In partnership with the Zimele Wethu Foundation, the lives of thousands women and children in South Africa are being transformed. Zimele Wethu’s mission is for women, youth, and men in South African rural and township communities to be empowered to work with their inherent gifts and talents for social and economic transformation.
Three phases of community development are designed to bring holistic transformation in the lives of the women and their communities. In the first phase, women work in small groups to build their life, business, and management skills to successfully operate their own businesses. In the second phase, women pool their resources and work together to address critical community needs by starting larger scale business projects. These projects include community agriculture and craft marketplaces and social service projects that serve marginalized populations, like orphaned children and HIV/AIDS victims. In the third phase, women create a conglomerate to advocate for social, economic, and health care reforms in their communities including equal rights for women and greater access to clinical care.
Through this proven community development program model, Zimele Wethu is creating long-term, sustainable solutions to poverty that can be replicated and scaled in communities throughout South Africa.