Because of HOLD’s support network, she was able to obtain a loan that kept her from becoming homeless a second time. In fact, she used that loan to start a catering business of her own! She is also learning to read and write through HOLD’s Literacy Program.

Deena with another peer educator serving in the community engaging young men about sexuality, responsibility, and leadership in their own community
This experience was so powerful, and her life was so transformed that she became a peer educator at HOLD. Now she sells her cakes and specialty food – and in her spare time, she teaches others about health, hope, and how they can have better lives. She has all of this because she is connected to a community through HOLD, which she now calls her family.
It’s wonderful that CWR works with local organizations who’re committed to improving the situations locally and to do so in a professional manner. They know the situations, they know the challenges, and they can try possible solutions that “outsiders” might not think of. HOLD-DRC is a great partner because of their experience; they know that responsibility is required from each person who engages in “transformation”. It can’t happen any other way. And it’s visible!
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04.01.15 at 1:43 pm
Grateful to partner with HOLD and to partner with you, Judy! Thank you.
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04.01.15 at 1:45 pm