South Sudan Orphans and Widows Program Update

Post a Comment » Written on January 26th, 2015     
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There are many valuable activities coming up as we enter into the fourth phase of the Vulnerable and Orphaned Children (VOC) in South Sudan.  Currently, there are 131 vulnerable children and orphaned within this programs; 43 from Gambella in Western Ethiopia, 34 children from Akobo, South Sudan, 21 from Kule refugee camps, and 33 children from Kakuma refugee camps.  Among these, there are 94 children benefiting through the education program which equips them with knowledge on how to support themselves and their parents in the future, and 25 children being taken care of by the projects medical funds.  Additionally, the program has also opened up to widows who are currently attending vocational schools, helping them generate incomes for themselves and their children by teaching them various vocational skills and knowledge. 

Through this project, The Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCSS) is trying to alleviate social, psychological and economical hardships which are faced by the marginalized parents and guardians, along with their children, and equip them for self-reliance in order to develop a better future.

In the most recent update from the VOC program, we were able to hear stories from two young widows who have attended the vocational Training Skills in Tailoring in Malakal for three months named Nyahok and Nyatut.  Due to different causes, the women lost their husbands and were very interested in learning a vocational skill.  Originally, the women were complete their training in six months, though their training was interrupted by the ongoing conflict in South Sudan.  In January, Nyatut and Nyahok fled to Ethiopia, and have come to live in Kule 2 Refugee Camp.  Here, they have since hired a Tailoring tutor, finished their training, and have bought pedaling machines to sustain themselves and their children.  Nyahok quotes states that “she thanks those who fulfilled the love of God and shared their resources with the poor and marginalize group. ‘I will dedicate much of my time to serve God and share 10% of my incomes with God as the ECC members in USA and South Sudan did it for me’”.





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