Marina attends multiple programs at the Fundefam or FDF (the Family Development Foundation) in Monterrey Mexico. Since she first was invited by a friend, Marina has spent years involved at FDF and has recently become the dance therapy class instructor. Marina says, “During my participation I realized that apart from receiving I also had the opportunity to share and contribute to the development of women, with the skills God has given me.” This is true empowerment, for those who were once followers to become leaders that transform their own communities. Marina is only one of many who have been able to be a part of this transformation. Here at Covenant World Relief we are honored to be able to be partners in this process. No amount of funds, or work, or doing things can bring this empowerment and change to people’s lives, only the grace of God. CWR and FDF are humbled to be able to play a part in our God’s transformational work in the lives of families in Monterrey. Learn more about this project and give online