Training and equipping women and children with job skills and micro-loans is a huge part of bringing about real community development and transformation in these poor and often male-dominated areas. Recently, 25 women have completed their sewing training with 8 already taking orders from their neighbors. These women become skilled in making and repairing clothing which will lead to a more stable income for themselves and their family.
CSS also provides a micro-loan system which gives women the cash needed for a startup enterprise of some sort, whether it be goat breeding or basket weaving. This not only ensures their livelihood but also diversifies the area’s economy so that there is not only one market of income for these women.
CSS also partners with local government programs in order make the lives of these women more sustainable. In this partnership, CSS helps women go through the process of applying for this assistance and assures they are getting what they properly deserve from the officials. This allows these women to spend less time worrying about where they will sleep and more time on educating and learning skills which will lead to a sustainable future.