CWR continues to receive updates from partners on the drought in Makarashtra, India:
The current drought in Maharashtra seems to have broken all previous records, with millions of human beings and livestock suffering hunger in absence of food and fodder.
- Almost five million people have no work as the crops failed.
- Millions of people from mainly farming communities across 12,000 villages of 15 districts are facing severe shortages of drinking water, and are unable to grow crops and provide fodder for their livestock.
- Hunger is likely to become a critical issue in the coming weeks as farmers have no income and their backup resources are now depleting.
- People will have no way to feed their families soon.
- Drinking water is a serious problem as the normal supply systems have failed.
The Hindustani Covenant Church and Covenant Social Services are doing their best to provide relief support to human beings, animals and birds. Six drought-hit villages have been reached by HCC/CSS. Relief response is being carried out by HCC/CSS with the support of Covenant World Relief and other partners. The relief work includes: repair of hand pumps, distributions of water pouches, medical support to vulnerable groups, grain and water for birds, water for animals through tankers, and plastic baskets for fodder for animals.
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