Hector, 18 year old student
What was your life like before your involvement at FDF?
I lived on the streets and was involved in gang problems. I did not go to school, and I did not know God.
What was it that brought you to FDF?
The youth group and unity of people that attended there.
What were the first changes you noticed in your life after you came to FDF?
I had a new view on life. I wanted to spend time helping others and knowing God. I was also interested in studying.
Abigail, 16 year old student
What is it like in the neighborhood where you live?
There is lots of violence, drugs, alcohol, and gangs.
Before you started at FDF, what did you think about your future?
I wanted to be a doctor, but before it was only a dream. Now it is a goal.

What was it that brought you to FDF?
I was struck by the English activities, the after-school club, and the friendships formed at FDF.
What were the first changes you noticed in your life after you came to FDF?
I had an increased interest in helping others, in a closer relationship with God, and development as a leader.
How do you feel now?
Very happy, satisfied, better person, loved by God.
What do you see for yourself in the future?
I see myself as a professional helping my community as God’s purpose in my life.

Keyla, 18 year old psychology student
What was your life like before your involvement at FDF?
I lived a very uncertain life. I wanted to be a better person and succeed in my goals, but I did not know how. I wanted to make better friends.
What is it like in the neighborhood where you live?
There is a lot of family breakdown, drug abuse, drug trafficking, and many of my friends were pregnant at a young age.
What were the first changes you noticed in your life after you came to FDF?
My self-esteem went up, and I was better able to talk about my feelings and support other people.
How do you feel now?
I am very happy because I feel fulfilled at FDF. I’m studying and sharing what I learn with the kids, which is great.
What do you see for yourself in the future?
I see myself as a person who is an agent of change in my community.

Adriana, housewife and mother
How have you changed since your involvement at FDF?
Before, I was shy and quiet, but now I am feeling more secure. This confidence has led me to achieve a lot and has awakened my desire to serve others. Spiritually, I have a closer relationship with God.
How do you feel now?
I feel content and happy, and I never tired of thanking God for allowing me to get involved at FDF.