Going to Midwinter? Come visit us!

Post a Comment » Written on January 25th, 2013     
Filed under: General
If you are heading to the Covenant Midwinter Conference in a few weeks (February 4-8, 2013, at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego), be sure to stop by and say “Hi!” to CWR. We will be at the following events:

Throughout the week, we will be in the display area with others with the mission priority of “serving globally.”

On Thursday, be sure to check us out in the morning at our “Deeper with Covenant World Relief” event:

What in the world is Covenant World Relief? How can I get more connected? Grab your breakfast and join us as we dive deeper into our shared ministry around the world. Hear stories of transformation from our long-term community development programs and disaster relief projects on five continents.

On Monday, we will be at an Early Bird Workshop called “Preaching a ‘Glocal’ Vision”

To be the church in the age of globalization requires us to re-frame our understanding and practice of mission. More specifically, it requires us to understand the relationship between global and local mission. The question for this workshop is, “How does this new understanding of a “glocal” vision inform our preaching?”
Al Tizon, associate professor of holistic ministry – Palmer Theological Seminary

On Tuesday, we will be hosting a workshop called “The Better of Two Goods: From Charity to Dignity

In the kingdom, we are provided with a multitude of opportunities to do good. Through Scripture, case studies, and shared experiences, participants will explore and discover ways to develop more effective love mercy – do justice ministries in both local and international contexts.
Dave Husby, director of Covenant World Relief Director – Evangelical Covenant Church Offices
Debbie Blue, executive minister of Compassion, Mercy, and Justice – Evangelical Covenant Church Offices

You may want to check out these other workshops on Tuesday:

Serving Globally at Home

The shrinking of our planet and the emergence of relational highways provides local churches with unprecedented potential for global impact; beginning with Pastor Chamron Phal’s inspiring story of survival in the killing fields of Cambodia, and his subsequent ministry sharing the Gospel and planting churches in his homeland, including among his former Khmer Rouge communist soldiers. In this workshop we will demonstrate how a church (of any size) can connect with and support Kingdom ministry in another part of the world.
Linnea Carnes, retired Covenant pastor
Allan Serrano, senior pastor – Evangelical Missionary Covenant Church
Chamron Phal, associate pastor – First Covenant Church

Peace & Justice in the Holy Land

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has raged for more than half a century. Historical narratives of deep pain and suffering continue to play out in the region today. This workshop will focus on the history of Christian engagement in the Holy Land and the role of Christ followers in pursuit of reconciliation and justice. Learn about organizations and individuals working to make a positive difference in the Holy Land while seeking to discern how God might be calling all of us to be advocates of peace and justice in the midst of conflict.
Mae Cannon, senior director of advocacy & outreach
Gary Burge, professor of New Testament – Wheaton College


We hope to see you there!

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