Water = Education?

2 comments Written on August 13th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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In many areas of the world, education is incredibly expensive, even in public school. Many families cannot afford school fees (uniforms, books, etc.) and other children drop out in order to work to help provide income for their families. We are always impressed by our partners who come up with creative ways to raise money for children to go to school (click here to read about a project in Thailand, where kids raise money for their own education through a recycling project).

One of these creative partners is the Kenya Covenant Church (ECCK). They recognized two great needs in the Kitengela community – lack of clean water and lack of education for refugees fleeing to Kenya from Congo – and they have done something about both of these needs!

Kitengela is located in a semi-arid region, so rivers and piped water were unable to meet the demands of the community. To solve this problem, the ECCK dug a water well, which provides sufficient water for the entire community. Because water is so needed, the church is able to sell the water at an affordable price, primarily to construction sites, schools and other churches. Families also gladly buy the water, as they have taken great ownership in the project.

Not only does the project provide the community with water, but the proceeds from water sales are used for another great purpose. The project raises money for an education program which allows refugees from Congo to receive education in Kenya. We are very excited about the two-fold benefit of the project!

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. (Matthew 25:35)

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