“It has been more than two years since the tragic events of the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. It feels only recently the country has moved from the disaster response to the development stage. This past year, the majority of the rubble was removed, there are cleared plots where buildings fell and some have already started rebuilding. The streets are busy as people are out and about doing business. Places where tent cities were once located are being restored into parks, plazas and green spaces.
World Relief has also moved into the development stage and made good progress regarding the agriculture programs in the various localities in the country. In the Leogane area, the establishment of the demonstration farm has advanced significantly in the past months as well as the activities with farmer groups.
The purpose of this project, implemented in partnership with Fish Ministries/Christian-Ville Foundation and funded by Covenant World Relief, is to develop a demonstration farm to be used as a training center to train farmers and leaders in the Leogane and Jacmel corridor area in improved agriculture and livestock techniques such as set up, use and maintenance of drip irrigation systems, grafting fruit trees, vegetable and banana production under irrigation, and goat production.”
Below is an beautiful testimony about the work being done in Haiti through CWR’s partnership with World Relief:

Miss Claire, motivating us to work hard for the Lord
“Quitting time was near as I walked into the nursery. No one was looking to the clock or standing letting the last minutes go fast. The workers at the nursery were focused on their tasks, working at a rhythm, not only making a living, but determined to contribute to what is happening at the Fish Demonstration Farm. They continued in this way for almost one hour overtime, and never asked to be rewarded. The fruit of their labor is now obvious as thousands of avocado plants are growing strong and beautiful to be grafted and distributed to farmers this year.
It does bring satisfaction to see unused land transformed into a productive nursery and fruit tree plantations. However, what is more rewarding is to see the transformation in the community and our relationship with them. Those who joined the work are no longer ‘naysayers’ telling us it cannot be done: ‘those tree stumps can’t be cut’ or ‘a reservoir can’t be dug there.’ As we work together and get our hands dirty, whether an agronomist or a day laborer, we all see the fruit of hard work and perseverance. It makes us continue rigorously through the hot sunny days. It brings forth respect for each other and the realization that we need each other. And it makes us an example to the children looking from the classroom windows every day as they learn that working the land is an honorable job.
This transformation has taken place in only five months. We look forward to seeing the fruit of many more as this demonstration farm starts imparting knowledge to the communities through learning-by-doing.”
As the testimony above states, we need each other. Thank you for supporting CWR’s relief and development efforts in Haiti. We need our donors and supporters and could not have come this far without you, but there is still much to do. For more information about our ongoing work in Haiti, click here.