
Post a Comment » Written on October 31st, 2011     
Filed under: General
“Overwhelmed” is a word that really describes the stage of life I am in right now. In any given week, I tell my husband that I am overwhelmed just a few too many times. I’m overwhelmed with the busyness that is summer – traveling, having friends and family visit, making the most of a season that should be restful. I’m overwhelmed that summer is ending and fall is coming, which signals the beginning of my seminary career at North Park. I’m overwhelmed by the craziness of living in a big city, feeling like there’s no time to slow down or rest or drive the speed limit without a chorus of honks blaring around me. I’m overwhelmed at changes that are on our horizon that leave me questioning what’s ahead.

I’m overwhelmed at the injustice in the world, that most of the world suffers greatly while we have so much. I’m also overwhelmed by my often selfish response, when I foolishly decide that what I need want is more important than the need for water, shelter, and food of most of the world.

But I am coming to realize that being overwhelmed is not necessarily a bad thing. Often times when I sit at my desk at Covenant World Relief and receive gifts from so many of you, I am overwhelmed at the generosity that the people of God have for their brothers and sisters who are truly in need and who are suffering greatly. I am overwhelmed each time I open a check, whether it is for $5.00 or $5,000.00, because each gift came from the heart of someone who sees beyond themself. I cannot count the number of times I have opened a check and had my eyes fill with tears when I consider the heart of the person that just gave. I am overwhelmed by your generosity because I am then encouraged to give more of myself.

I’ve worked for CWR for just three months, and already I’m overwhelmed with the passion of this organization. I am continually astounded by how those who love and support CWR show me the generosity that should define Christ’s followers. Our supporters do not take lightly the words of 1 John 3:17-18: “How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need yet refuses to help? Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.”

To those who pray for and give to CWR, I cannot thank you enough for overwhelming me.


–by Kellynne Meyers, donor care coordinator for CWR


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