Updates from Libya

Post a Comment » Written on May 16th, 2011     
Filed under: Disaster Relief
Covenant World Relief continues to partner with Medical Teams International to provide life-saving medical relief to the victims of the violence in Libya. One of their doctors has just returned from serving in refugee camps in Tunisia. You can read a blog he has written with stories of the situation in Libya and for those who have fled as refugees here.

Here is one brief account from his time serving the refugees:

The town of Remada is 80 kilometers south of Tataouine and only 40 kilometers from the Libya border crossing at Dehiba. It has become home to a refugee camp comprised of 264 families and a total population of 1,720. That number was clearly expanding with additional refugees arriving as we were visiting. In fact, they were leveling a second area of the camp to receive additional families.

Medical care was being provided by several organizations including a tent staffed by Tunisian military doctors, the Tunisian Red Crescent and volunteer physicians from Saudi Arabia. The doctors and organizations had been planning on an ongoing series of volunteers to provide continuing care.The medical needs are many including prenatal care for pregnant women, primary care and immunizations for children and endemic and chronic diseases primary care for adults. There currently were no reports of epidemic diseases but there is exposure to venomous snakes and scorpions in the area.

Please remember the vulnerable people in Libya who are caught up in the midst of this violence in your prayers. You can also give to our relief efforts for Libya here.
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