The Kelecho Gerbi Water and Sanitation Project is giving women a different perspective. Before the project they had to walk about five miles to get water for their family. The irony was that water may bring illnesses through diarrhea and dysentery and could prove fatal for their children. That was their role. This project brings clean potable water 10 minutes away from their home. Now with the time saved they can go to school and take advantage of the gender awareness training and the school hygiene club. Through these avenues they can see themselves as teachers, village hygiene promoters, or anything their minds can fathom as they go through school. Thanks to Covenant World Relief the women in Kelecho Gerbi can see life beyond bearing children and bearing water. They can see limitless God-given possibilities and have a luxury they’ve not had before, the luxury to choose.

Training sessions with the women of Kelecho Gerbi. Sessions include gender awareness, hygiene education, HIV/AIDS awareness.
–Williadean Crear, North Park Theological Seminary student