We have had several news stories and updates on the situation in Japan. You can find them all on our new webpage devoted to our relief efforts in Japan.
You can now give online directly to Japan relief with CWR. As always, checks or other forms of giving are welcome.
Please update the information on Japan. I am directing people to you for donations because I know you always have “feet on the ground” reponses. Currently though, the website says you are “evaluating.” I am sure you are way beyond evaluating and already doing. Please let potential donors know.
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03.17.11 at 8:53 am
Thanks for the comment, Kathy. We are continually working to get updates out to our supporters. Have you seen the video update? It is posted on our website and now on our blog as well. We will keep you updated on our work in Japan here, on facebook and on our Japan relief project page at http://www.covchurch.org/relief/projects/disasters/japan/
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03.24.11 at 10:54 am