
2 comments Written on September 4th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Submitted by
Pastor Gricel Medina (OWS)
BGE Chairperson

brokenDuring a visit with a group of women I heard many stories of brokenness that drove me to my knees in prayer.

Stories of women who have undergone extreme sorrow and emotional pain in the workplace and personally. Women trying to do it all in a world that demands us to be all in all. Men who have been intentionally and unintentionally insensitive.

Proverbs 15: 13
A joyful heart makes a cheerful face,
But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.

That day was an awakening for me. It was a startling revelation to see visibly the brokenness still found in women trying to juggle family and work. Women who are gifted, talented, called and unique but so broken by the circumstances of life. Continue Reading »

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Mentoring Women in Ministry

2 comments Written on August 21st, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Submitted by:
By Kurt Fredrickson

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses…Hebrews 12:1

mentoring womenThroughout my life, and especially my life in ministry, I have had people around me who have been a key source of encouragement. These people have been a gift. I would not be who I am today if not for them. Over lunch or a cup of coffee, my mentors have poured into my life. As I have watched them live out their lives and deal with various situations, I have learned how to do ministry better. They have kept me in line, pulled me back in line, given me new perspectives, urged me to move forward, and modeled life and ministry for me. As I write these words, memories flood my mind and I become grateful again for these people: Jerry, Lee, Stan, Bob, Laverne, Marie, Marian, John, Roberta, Rich, MaryAnne, Sally. Continue Reading »

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CBE International Conference, Pittsburgh

Post a Comment » Written on August 15th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Submitted by:
Jeff Ondrey, CBGE member

I was greatly blessed by having the fortune of attending the CBE International Conference held in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, July 26-28, 2013. Given that it was only a 3 hour drive from my home and the fact that I had family living in the area and a weekend free of the usual busy-ness, it made perfect sense that I should attend.  The following is a very minimalist list of the top ten takeaways from this conference for me.  This list does not do full justice to the fullness of all that I learned and the inspiration that I now have to learn even more: Continue Reading »

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CBE Conference

Post a Comment » Written on August 10th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

The following post is from a woman I met while attending the CBE International Conference in Pittsburgh.  Ruby is a member of Crossroads Covenant Church in Greeley, Colorado and joined the Covenant in 2002. What a pleasant surprise to sit down at dinner and run into a fellow Covenanter Ruby Lindblad and her family.

Submitted by:
Ruby Lindblad

I recently attended a Christians for Biblical Equality conference in Pittsburgh, PA July 26-28. Every time I attend a CBE conference I experience an array of emotions and this conference was definitely not an exception. I experienced joy, love, thankfulness, excitement, anger, sadness, and even depression. It’s hard to deal with this many emotions in such a few days and I felt the effects of it on my whole being the week following.

I was joyful and thankful during worship times feeling the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit who gave me encouragement that I can do what God has called me to even though I am a woman. “I can do this through Christ who gives me strength.” Continue Reading »

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Windy Days

Post a Comment » Written on August 5th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Submitted by:
Pastor Gricel Medina (OWS)
BGE Chairperson

wind 1The other day, I was reminded of the many times God sends the wind. As I came out of a restaurant with friends,  we were suddenly welcomed with a night wind. It was a special delight to me since I had been out and about driving in the Texas sun.

Windy days come in every season. During the winter they propel us to move briskly forward. In the autumn they make us reflect on the changes that are about to come. The spring  winds empower us to enjoy the beauty of growth and new developments. They also compel us to replenish and plant.It is the summer winds that refresh us the most. They revive us from the hot, humid and sometimes unbearable sun. The summer winds alleviate the weariest of travelers.  Summer is not just for vacations. It can be a time of reflection and setting visions into motion. Continue Reading »

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The Bride

2 comments Written on July 24th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Written by Cindy Wu

brideI started dreaming about my wedding day long before I was even interested in boys. As a little girl, I started imagining my wedding dress, picking out my wedding ring, choosing my bridesmaids, and planning the ceremony. As I grew older and started attending friends’ weddings, I made mental edits: change the entrance song, hire a live band instead of a DJ, cross Susie off the bridesmaids list.

By the time my actual wedding day arrived, none of my choices matched my childhood designs but by then it didn’t matter—part of the fun was in the dreaming. Dreaming about one’s wedding day is a natural inclination. A wedding is a sacred day, the beginning of a new journey, and worthy of great attention. Continue Reading »

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Tumbling Mentors

Post a Comment » Written on July 14th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Written by Rev. Gricel Medina (OWS)
BGE Chairperson

mentorsRecently I was curious of how exactly do stones become smooth. Weather and erosion are just some of the causes and effects. However, it is the tumbling around other rocks that causes the stones to become smooth on all sides. I love how God gives us such vibrant visual life lessons.

We all have stories to tell of seasons that have tumbled us. Dealing with difficulties in life is about making quick adjustments. David in the Bible was a tumbler. His encounter with Goliath is a story many children learn in church.  It is not just about defeating a great big giant. David was overlooked many times. FYI…especially during his formidable years by his own family. He overcame great adversities. Continue Reading »

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Reposting – “A Prayer to End Discrimination Against Women in the Church”

Post a Comment » Written on July 7th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Here is a link to a recent post in the weekly newsletter of Christian’s for Biblical Equality, Arise.  This article by Rev. Mark Whitlock, Jr. was originally published in the Los Angeles Sentinel.  It is short and simple and a good reminder to all of us that we must pray for God to end discrimination in our pulpits, board rooms and pews throughout the world.

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When We Need Women Behind The Pulpit

Post a Comment » Written on July 2nd, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Sometimes the direct approach is the best.  In his blog, Preston Yancey (an author, painter, and baker soon to be doing doctoral work at St. Andrews in Scotland) forcefully challenges the church to “put a woman behind the pulpit”, so we can see the whole picture of what God intends and God is doing.  You can access Preston’s blog by clicking here.

Submitted by
Brian Wiele, CBGE member

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How Did I Get Here?…with Reflections on The Bible Made Impossible

1 Comment » Written on June 27th, 2013     
Filed under: Book & Commentary

Bible impossibleThere are times when I have wondered how in the world I ever got selected to be a member of the Covenant’s Commission on Biblical Gender Equality.  I have never been outspoken on my own views on the matter.  Perhaps it was because of my role as a board member for Camp Mission Meadows?  Perhaps it was because of my leadership role in a healthcare organization that primarily employs women?  Perhaps it was because I am the father of two very capable daughters, one with the goal of someday teaching in a Seminary and the other working in a responsible position with the denomination.  Perhaps it was because I am married to a woman that is highly perceptive and skilled in counseling individuals and couples and one who is known to be open and direct in her communications at a board level.

I do know this…as a result of serving on this commission; I have become much more sensitized and educated about what the issues are for women in ministry.  I am struck and often dumbfounded as to how different camps can view specific passages in scripture in fundamentally different ways.  I am even more dumbfounded when some maintain specific positions with virtually no biblical or scriptural basis for their own chosen viewpoint.  Recently though, I have opted to not be so surprised by all of this.  After all, if the Bible was so perfectly written, then why do we have so many different denominations and varieties of faith that are based upon specific interpretations of various passages in the Bible? Continue Reading »

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