Tagged With: The Rocha Family
Off to the Beach!
We were so happy to be able to be back in Ecuador and to take our annual family vacation before school starts in the Fall. Every year we try to go to the beautiful beach in Ecuador, see the Humpback
…Ministry in Santo Domingo
The Santiago Partnership continues its relief efforts in collaboration with our partner denomination, the Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador. As survivors from the recent earthquake are being sheltered in the Covenant campgrounds in Santo Domingo, we have been providing them …
Asamblea 2016
We recently attended IPEE’s Asamblea 2016. The Asamblea is IPEE’s Annual Meeting which is held every year in January at the church’s campgrounds in Santo Domingo. Joel was there representing FACE with his position on the Board of Directors. Kim
…A word of thanks from our Camp Administrator, Ruben Rocha
[youtube id=”gBqz5_MNyNA”]
News from the Camp in Santo Domingo
We finally had the opportunity to go see our good friends the Rochas…. Rueben, Amparo, Lisseth, Maria, Mayra, Jeymi, Caren and Rubi, at the Covenant Campgrounds in Santo Domingo this past week. We’ve been wanting to get out to …
The Rocha Family
- The majority of the Rocha family, although missing a couple after lunch on Sunday by the Panecillo
We had the great opportunity to host the majority of the Rocha family last weekend. In case you forgot who the Rocha’s are, …
Oh, just a bunch of stuff…
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Well, there are many things to …
A Gift from the Heart
As part of the container that will we be sending down to Ecuador in February, we will be sending a riding lawn mower (similar to as is pictured) to the campgrounds as a gift from some good friends at the …
Update on Ruben
Ruben has been released from the hospital again and is back at home in Santo Domingo. Praise the Lord! This is a picture that was taken in the hospital before he was released. You can see how much weight he …