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Tagged With: Updates

Video Greeting From Quito

Miss seeing us? Check out our Video Greeting:

[youtube id=”wlY79P0O_M8″]

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Meeting with IPEE

We met with the Executive Board of IPEE on Saturday.  IPEE is the Covenant National Chuch of Ecuador.  It was basically a meet and greet where we had the oportunity to introduce ourselves to everyone and tell them about ourselves.  …

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1st Trip to the Amazon!!!!

We just got back from the Amazon!  Pretty cool, eh?  We actually didn’t go in the deep just yet.  Mainly just on the edge.

We had the wonderful opportunity to go with our Spanish teacher, Olgita Burbano and her husband …

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100% Supported!!!!

We have been busy and haven’t been able to post recently.  But we wanted to write a quick note and let you know that after being here for a few days we found out that we are 100% funded financially.  …

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Our Last Supper

We just wanted to let those of you know who live in the Chicagoland area that we will be having dinner at Photo’s Hot Dogs in Mount Prospect from  6 to 8 p.m. on Friday night, June 25th.  It will …

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Answers to prayers, updates, preparing to leave…


Just thought we would update you on a few things we have been up to. Thank you to those of you who prayed for us to receive our Visas! SUCCESS! We received them within 2 hours of applying. Thanks be …

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Your prayers are answered!!!!

All our paperwork was in order and looked good, so we received our 2 Year Missionary Visas to Ecuador today.  Thank you so much for praying!!!

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Quick Update and Prayer Request!

Sorry it has to be a quick update but we are amidst a week and a half intensive training event in Chicago (from 8 a.m. to 6 or 7 p.m. everyday in Chicago).  It’s great, but definitely has us worn …

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In the Home Stretch!!!!

We are in the home stretch of our preparations for heading to Ecuador!  We have purchased our tickets and we fly out on June 26th. 

We have just sent out our final pre-departure newsletter update.  You can view it here: …

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Getting closer!!!

Just a quick note to let you know that we are now up to 88% in prayer support commitments and 84% in financial support commitments!  Praise God!!!  As our departure date gets closer and closer, we just keep getting closer …

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