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Posted by on May 31, 2019

For a couple of years now, I have prayed for churches or individuals who would take a large undertaking.  I knew it was a big ask, but I also know our God is a big God and He cares about things we care about.  A few years ago, I got connected with an organization called Days for Girls.  They help:

increase access to menstrual care and education by developing global partnerships, cultivating social enterprises, mobilizing volunteers, and innovating sustainable solutions that shatter stigmas and limitations for women and girls.”

We have partnered at different times with Days for Girls to help get the menstruation kits that they create to Ecuador in to the hands of girls and women that need them as well as through education.  In Ecuador, especially in Indigenous communities, talking about your body or what happens to it including menstruation are not talked about; it is very taboo.  We have been able to use these kits as well as partnering with our physicians in our clinic in Ecuador to make this topic less taboo.

All that to say, during this year of home assignment, we have been trying to talk with churches, women’s ministries and individuals to see if they would be willing to take on the task of being a chapter to help make and sew these kits that might directly go to Ecuador and our project.  We have now had two churches who are in the process of hopefully doing JUST THAT!  The story of how this was created and developed in the community where we are living right now is too long, but I will just say that we have seen just how Deep and Wide God cares.  We contacted a lady in our church here in Goshen, Pleasant View, who might be able to take this on and she did.  Laura Stern has done that and partnered with an already existing chapter that Vicki Gibson leads.  They are pictured here.

Vicki and Laura

They have taken this and run with it with a goal of sewing 200 kits to take to Ecuador with their PV team in June.  They are super close to finishing and the church and chapter communities have come together to do it.  This is what Laura recently said:

Thank you everyone for all efforts!  This project has really given us a good visual for DEEP and WIDE.  It has taken many of us doing what we can to get these made and what a blessing to see it all unfold.

God has truly shown me how much he cares.  He has answered a prayer that I have kind of secretly prayed for two years now and God has shown me how DEEP AND WIDE He cares that He would speak in ways I couldn’t even have imagined to make this possible.  Thanks so much!  Here are a few pictures from the sewing days that have happened at Pleasant View to sew these kits.

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