Here are three downloads: one is our Support Letter and the other 2 are forms that can be filled out and sent in:
THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! for your response to our support letter. Many of you have read it and decided to partner with us in our ministry in Ecuador. We are excited to have you on our team!!!
We are now up to 36 official prayer partners and we are looking to secure 150 people/families that will pray for us on a regular basis, so that means we are at 24% in prayer support.
As far as the finances go, God has brought us over $10,000 in support and we have $530 in monthly commitments, which means we are at 32% of what is needed. Praise the Lord!!!!
Do you know of any one or any churches that you think would be interested in joining into a ministry partnership with us as we get ready to head to Ecuador??? If so, please let us know and please be praying for more folks to come along side us.
— Kim is preparing to present her final paper at Rush University as she is finishing up her Residency hours. Her Boards will be up next.
– Joel is doing his thing at the church and with Verizon. He will be hosting the Alpha Course at our home this fall.
If you would like to see video/pictures from the Annual Meeting in Portland, OR please visit our other blog at