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Restrepos pay us a visit

Posted by on January 29, 2017

A little over a week ago, we received a visit from our “bosses,” Pia & Eugenio Restrepo, from the Covenant Offices in Chicago.  They are the Latin American and Carribean Regional Coordinators for the Evangelical Covenant Church and thus they are our superiors.  However, they are more our friends and partners in ministry and for this reason, we were so excited to have them come see our project, meet with our ministry partners and learn about the needs that we have as a project.  They hope to help us in promoting our project to volunteers and groups that would like to assist in medical caravans and other ways to support the ministry of the medical clinic and home for at risk children.  See the pictures from our time together.


Our friends and Regional Coordinators, Eugenio and Pia Restrepo, with Dr. Abimeal

Boys Bunk_Beds Clinic Crops Erik FullSizeRender Gustavo Home_Tour IMG_0608 IMG_0609 IMG_0619 IMG_0624 IMG_0631 IMG_0635 Joel Kichwa_sign Kim Medicines Office

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