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Accidents Happen…

Posted by on July 25, 2015

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Accidents do in fact happen, we all know it.  Unfortunately, it’s never fun when they happen.  Joel was involved in an accident this week on the way to pick up friends who were going see the ministries in Cayambe.  He was in a line of about four cars that had to abruptly stop and the car behind Joel did not see this happening and rear ended him.  The gentlemen did not have insurance, but admitted that it was his fault and was very apologetic.  He seemed very worried and his family was very shaken up as you can imagine.  Joel was able to share with him that he was a pastor and that God works even the most difficult of circumstances out for His good.  He also said he would be praying for him.  We praise God that no one was hurt and that the damage will be taken care of.  We also praise God that the man who hit Joel was very kind and willing to help; that is not always the case.  Please pray for this man and his family; that they will see Christ in the midst of their difficult circumstances.

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