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Prayer Request about Licensing in Ecuador

Posted by on April 25, 2014


We are once again asking for prayer regarding my licensing in Ecuador.  There has been a new development and we are asking for prayer today between 12 and 12:30 central time.  We have a meeting set up with the president of the Medical Federation in Ecuador, similar to the AMA in the States.  We met with him last week and he told us all that we were to do to get this moving.  Well, we got all of the paperwork together and went to take it in yesterday to the office only to be told that we had to do something else.  What they asked us to do isn’t really possible and this is a step that the president did not think we needed.  Anyway, we requested an appointment and we have that tomorrow “between 12 and 12:30.”  I put that in parenthesis because who knows what time it may be. It’s not an official appointment, he is traveling in from the coast and so this time is pretty lax depending on when he arrives.

Additionally, there is a doctor that Joel had an appointment with today who works with U.S. medical teams that come down to Ecuador.  His name is Dr. Roberto Contreras. He will be going with us tomorrow as well.  Please pray that we are able to communicate effectively the things needed, that the doctor will be semi-on-time so as not to waste our friend’s time, that the doctor will be receptive and open to making a special situation and exception for us,  and that the decision will be made in a timely fashion for my rural training to be in or near Cayambe.
Also tomorrow, we have a meeting with a doctor who could help open the clinic.  This is a doctor that is in the Covenant here in Ecuador which is encouraging.  Again, please pray for our communication to be effective and that this door may be opened.
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