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Muchas Gracias!!!

Posted by on April 6, 2014


We just wanted to send a quick note to say THANK YOU!!!!  Or MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!


This past week (after much stress, work and deliberation) we were able to purchase the van you see purchased about and here:




This purchase was made possible because of you, our supporters through the Evangelical Covenant Church!!!  That’s right, the funds that were sent to our ministry in 2013 were used to purchase this vehicle and so we can’t thank you enough.
This Hyundai H1, 12 person van will be an amazing resource for ministry for many years to come.  In addition to having the capacity to fit 12 people, the seats can also be taken out so it can be used as a cargo van.  The best quality of the vehicle is that it is diesel and since the cost of diesel gas is so cheap in Ecuador (just over $1 per gallon), we can fill up the tank for around $18.  Amazing!!!  This is going to save our ministry so much money in the long run because we are on the road so much.
Thank you so much for supporting our ministry and making purchases like these happen!  This vehicle is going to be such a wonderful resource for our project (can you picture it filled with 8 children from our home for at risk children), the missionaries on the field (it can be used when groups come down from the States), the National Church (we can take a group of people with us when we travel to national meetings at the camp in Santo Domingo) and for our family (should we try to fill up all the seats with our kids too???).  That last one was a joke… (don’t get too excited grandma and grandpa… we’re just working on number 2 right now!).


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