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Ruthie Update

Posted by on March 30, 2014


We thought we would give a quick update on Ruthie.  She has had 2 of her sisters with her since we came to Ecuador and a 3rd sister is planning on coming next week to help out with things.  Ruthie continues to have good days and not so good days, but we would say overall she is doing OK.  She has had less side effects from the medications, except she has had a lot of nausea.  She takes medicine for this, but a lot of times it makes her sleepy.  Because a lot her care is in Chicago with the physicians at Northwestern, it makes it hard if there are issues that she needs to take care of but doesn’t feel well enough to go to Chicago for.  Due to this, she is going to go see a physician in Goshen, an oncologist to help manage her care locally in conjunction with the doctors at Northwestern.  This seems to be a good option and something they are comfortable with.

Please continue to pray or COMPLETE healing of Ruthie’s body.  Also pray for less nausea and more energy and for the chemotherapy medications to be effective.


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