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Being Inspired

Posted by on November 24, 2013

We were incredibly inspired and encouraged today and we wanted to share that with you!  A little girl by the age of 9 or 10 came up to us today after church, after we had shared our story and said ” You know how you guys are at like 89% and are needing that additional amount so you can go back to Ecuador…. how can I help you get what you need?”  Her father was there standing next to her with his checkbook open ready to write a check.

Safe to say, we were just taken back by this amazing young lady and her desire to help us.  After our conversation, she understood that she wouldn’t be able to help get us everything we were needing to get us to 100% but they did contribute a large check that will go to our Setup Costs.

We were just so surprised, encouraged and humbled by this young lady’s desire to help us.  We have been so encouraged by so many people this whole year and this is definitely another example of that.

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