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Renewal of Vows Service

Posted by on August 1, 2011

Yesterday, I (Joel) had the opportunity to lead a Renewal of Vows service at our friends’ (Olguita and Henry) church in south Quito.  They have been hold the Marriage Course (similar to the Alpha Course) at their church and whenever they complete a course, they have a Renewal of Vows service for their graduates.  Well, this time, their pastors, Henry and Olguita, wanted to have their vows renewed also, so they asked me to lead the service as a licensed pastor.

I actually ended up being really nervous because it was my first time leading something in Spanish only.  Now, it’s true that I had everything written out a head of time but I was still really nervous.  But, thanks to God, everything seemed to go very well.  It was a blessed day and service and I was very happy to be  a part.  Here are some pictures from the event.

The two couples that were having their vows renewed.






































Henry and Olguita renewing their vows.








Simeon and his partner in crime, Caleb, driving home.

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