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Northwest Covenant Church Youth Come to Ecuador!!!!

Posted by on July 10, 2011
On Wednesday of last week, we returned from a 10 day trip to Ibarra with a youth team from our home church, Northwest Covenant in Mt. Prospect, IL. It was great to get a taste of home. We had a nice time connecting with friends we already knew as well as meeting and getting to know kids we didn’t know before. Our project was to work with a church in Ibarra, Iglesia Divino Pastor and the Compassion Center they have associated with the church. Currently the church has area for about 150 kids, but have approximately 200-400 kids attending regularly! A good problem to have. They have build another church structure and our project was to help paint the structure as well as clear an area for a site for a future soccer field. We would usually work in the morning and then go to spend time with kids at the Compassion center. Some of the youth did skits for the kids which they loved! We also had a unique opportunity to stay in the homes of church members. It was a great time to further language and culture, and WOW, the families were such blessings to us! We know the youth kids, as well as ourselves will remember this experience. It was great to see the connection between the youth kids and Compassion kids. What an exciting thing to see missions in action and be able to see kids experience it for the 1st time. We appreciate the team so much and are excited to keep up with them. We pray for their lives and what God has for them in the future. Enjoy some pictures from the trip…

Picture of the whole group plus workers

Painting the new church

Northwest kids with Compassion kids

NWCC skit with Time, Caitlyn, Megan and Stephen

This sweet boy absolutely LOVED Lisa!

Our host family the Tomaico's, The Delp fam and Matt and Chris

Teddy made a friend for sure

The Delp Fam

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