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A Beardless Reflection

As silly as this selfie looks…. here we go!


This my attempt to explain why I am now beardless.  For those of you are thinking right now, “who cares???” or “why a reflection on something so trivial???”… I will

Categories: Books we are reading, Family Fun, Home Assignment, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Travel, Updates, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Reflections on Maundy Thursday and the Cross

The evening meal was in progress and the devil had already prompted Judas to betray Jesus.  Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God;

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Kids Helping Kids

Recently a new resource was distributed through the Evangelical Covenant Church and Covenant World Relief which is called Kids Helping Kids: Orphans and Vulnerable Children.

Through the Kids Helping Kids resource, children will learn from and be inspired by children

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Living here and there and everywhere and being present in it all.

Image may contain: one or more people and basketball court

I wonder sometimes if people understand what the life of a missionary is like.  I think people want to.  I think people even TRY to, but I’m not sure that to “understand” is quite the right word.  Some may empathize …

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Kim’s Covenant famous

Check out this article on the Covenant newswire that quotes Kim:


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Journey 2 Mosaic

Here are a couple of posts from Kim:

Just 2 weeks ago, I had the opportunity to be involved in Journey to Mosaic (J2M). It was in the Denver, Colorado area during our denominations annual conference for missionaries and pastors. …

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Happy Anniversary Casa Hogar!

Written by Tara Euler, Santiago Partnership Board Member

I was so fortunate to be able to attend the Casa Hogar one year anniversary this past week.  It is almost hard to believe that from the opening last June, this beautiful

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Simeon’s Baptism

Yesterday, June 11, Simeon was baptized at our home church, Iglesia El Salvador.  It was a wonderful day to reflect on the events and people that led up to this day.  Simeon was able to have his teacher and family, …

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I seem to be in an interesting spot these days as we prepare for a year of home assignment in the States.  I recently read a blog I had written as we were going to be returning back from the …

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The Loss of a Dear Friend

Kim and I lost a dear friend yesterday, Pastor Paul Thompson.  Paul was a member of the Board of the Santiago Partnership but more than that he was the pastor of our Home Church, Northwest Covenant Church in Mt. Prospect,

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