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Prayer Requests

Singing for Ephraim

We received some great news this week and Simeon and Esther can’t stop singing.  See the video below.

We learned last week that Ephraim has developmental deficiencies and so we have been a bit concerned about him.  The neurologist noticed …

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We received the wonderful news today that our Medical Clinic in Cayambe, Ecuador has been approved for service by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Health!  As many of you know as you have been following along and praying for this approval,

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See the new kitchen!

Thanks to the team from Northwest Covenant Church and our Ecuadorian partners, we made incredible progress on the home for at-risk kids this week – tiling, skim coating, sanding, painting, digging, hauling, installing cabinets and appliances, and more – and

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A Slight Delay


Our patients are trying to get in but they’ll have to wait a little bit longer. We met with the Ministry of Health to allow them to conduct an inspection on the medical clinic in order to receive our final

Categories: 501c3, Anger, Cayambe, Clinic, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Updates | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sabbath Retreat

Sabbath_RetreatHere is the group photo of the group that I was a part of for my recent Sabbath Retreat.  I have to say that I have been so extremely blessed to be a part of such a wonderful experience and

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Smoking Cotopaxi

The Volcano Cotopaxi remains active in south Quito.  This morning on the way taking Simeon to school this was the view we had.


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Sabbath Retreat

sab-rst  On Friday Joel will be leaving for a Sabbath Retreat so he can continue on his goal to reduce the stress and overall workload in his life.  You can read about when he last talked about this and his beard

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The Power of Prayer


On September 1st, we received this email from Sharon Martin, a friend who, with her husband, Frank provide pastoral care and prayer support for missionaries:

On Wednesday, August 26, Frank and I left the office at 3:30 pm, an hour

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A Surprise Arrival!


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—
and I will

Categories: Ephraim, Esther, Family Fun, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Simeon, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Cotopaxi awakens!


Recently, a sleeping giant very close to home awoke and has been making quite a fuss.

Bursts of ash spew from the snow-encircled crater of the Volcano Cotopaxi and fall in gusts on this village where the locals struggle to

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