Mom’s First 5k Fun Run

Last November I was walking around the soccer field, determined to start getting in shape.  Suddenly from behind a friend came jogging, walked with me for a few yards and said, “Let’s run to the next corner.  Wanna run?  Let’s …

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Kick-Off Day 2014

It’s the start of a new school year!  The first day of school is orientation for all studnts.  The 2nd day is the completion of orientation and in the afternoon “Kick-Off Day”!  I’ve heard students say it’s their favorite day …

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Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013 was a time for family, fellowship, and freezing temps for us in Michigan.

2013-12 Christmas tree

The Saturday before Christmas we hosted a George Family Party with lots of good food, laughter, and fun… for those of us who were not …

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