High School Retreat 2015

The spiritual lives of our students at Rain Forest International School matter.  So each year early in the 2nd semester a week is set apart for spiritual retreat.  The high school students go off campus for the week while middle schoolers have day camp – coming to school but not for normal school classes.

This year I (Janet) was asked to go on the high school retreat.  My main role was meal preparation in the kitchen.  I was also a small group discussion leader and attended the worship services.  It was great to be in a different setting, without the pressure of classes & grades. I enjoyed talking with students about something other than grades, transcripts and proper use of study halls!

While Carolyn Stoker & I were loading up vehicles with food & kitchen supplies, the students were loading up in the big bus that drove them to a Bible school campus in Mbalmayo about 45 minutes outside of Yaounde.

2015-02 Retreat 2

Mr. Noren checks that everyone has their ID in case officials require it on the road.

Mr. Noren checks that everyone has their ID in case officials require it on the road.

The retreat lasted from Tuesday to Friday.  Each day students began with morning devotions – alone with God for Bible reading and prayer.

2015-02 Retreat 7

After breakfast there was a time of gathering for worship and sessions with the speaker, RFIS grad Caleb Robbins.  Now a youth pastor, Caleb’s talk was interactive, energetic and engaging.  He spoke about the What, Who, When, Where, Why and How of Relationship: with God and with others.

Caleb spoke in morning and evening sessions
Caleb spoke in morning and evening sessions
What is "Relationship"?  We were invited to give input on white boards
What is “Relationship”? We were invited to give input on white boards during the sessions
During the sessions Caleb often paused his talk for group discussions
During the sessions Caleb often paused his talk for group discussions

During the day there were several classes the students had chosen including archery, a giant Settlers of Catan game, crochet & knitting, even a sociology class and many many more.  Each day the students broke into “Guy Time” and “Girl Time” to cover topics that would be weird (or just not as much fun) in mixed company.  What they actually talked about or did in those times I’m not really sure — I  was always in the kitchen getting the next meal ready during “Girl Time”.

Guy Time
Guy Time

This is the room I spent most time in and around — up at 5 AM with Carolyn getting coffee ready for staff meeting, breakfast ready for everyone and mid-morning snacks too.  Getting tables set & meals on at lunch & supper, and even dessert & “midnight snack” just before bed. We had help from 2 lovely Cameroonian women and the occasional student or RFIS staff member too.

Meals served family style in the dining room
Meals served family style in the dining room

Afternoons were full of fun & free time — some went to a nearby swimming pool, others did crafts, played games, took naps or sat around and talked.  One of the organized afternoon games was a class competition involving multiple “skills” such as…

paper airplane flying
paper airplane flying
and a 4-way tug of war!
and a 4-way tug of war!

After supper we had an evening worship time and more great teaching / discussion with Caleb.

Student led worship
Student led worship
Jembes always enhance worship singing
Jembes always enhance worship singing
Evening worship & teaching in the garage transformed to "auditorium"
Evening worship & teaching in the garage transformed to “auditorium”

After evening worship time we had night games!  Lots of running around with flashlights.  One night we played “Clue” in which an item had been stolen from a teacher and students had to discover which suspect was the guilty party.

Two of the suspects in "Clue" were Sherlock Holmes (played by Jeff Stoker), and Mr. Z. (played by Mrs. Z.)
Two of the suspects in “Clue” were Sherlock Holmes (played by Jeff Stoker), and Mr. Z. (played by Mrs. Z.)

Other suspects were King Mukete, Darth Vadar, Bilbo Baggins, a couple of video game characters that I don’t know, Pres. Biya, Mary Poppins, Superman, famous soccer players, and I’m not really sure who some of these characters are!

Clue suspect group photo (missing is Mr. Z. who was in the kitchen with an ice cream scoop)
Clue suspect group photo (missing is Mr. Z. who was in the kitchen with an ice cream scoop)

After night games we had “leftovers” or midnight snacks and ice cream in the dining room before bedtime & lights out.
Spiritual Retreat is a time to set academics aside and focus on relationship with God.  We praise Him for safety in travel and in activities.  We pray that students will continue to grow in their relationships to Him, and to honor Him in their relationships with others in the Body of Christ and in the world around them.

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