O que é “40 Under 40”?

January-CompanionJohnna secretamente me indicou para um artigo na Revista Covenant Companion. Ela não me disse nada até que eu recebi um e-mail comunicando-me do fato de ser um dos “40 under 40” que significa 40 indivíduos abaixo de 40 anos …

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Covenant Companion Magazine – 40 Under 40

Covenant Companion Magazine – 40 Under 40 

Muniz-FabioJohnna secretly nominated me for an article in the Covenant Companion Magazine. I was surprised that they chose me! They are highlighting 40 people under 40 to represent the future of the Covenant

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Quem é que pode controlar?

Control is an IllusionFreqüentemente ficamos cara a cara com o inusitado. Com o que não esperamos na vida. Com aquilo que parece ser notícia somente na porta ao lado. Na casa do vizinho. Com a filha do nosso colega de trabalho. Com o …

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The Return of Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen

Unknown“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.” Henri Nouwen

Henri Nouwen was a Dutch Catholic priest, professor and well-known writer.

I recently finished one of his books, The Return of the

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Japan is just around the corner! January 2015‏

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19

Happy New Year to all!  Our reading …

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Japão está bem na nossa frente, na esquina! Janeiro 2015‏

Deus não é homem, para que minta; nem filho de homem, para que se arrependa. Porventura, tendo ele dito, não o fará? ou, havendo falado, não o cumprirá? Números 23:19

Feliz Ano Novo para todos! Hoje pela manhã, a nossa

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Becoming a Reality

Thanks to over 600 people and over 20 churches, we have hit the 70% pledge mark of a two-year budget.  THANK YOU!!!!

So, what does this mean?  First of all, it is exciting, amazing, a miracle, a huge accomplishment, a …

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Project Japan Goes to South America! December 2014‏

Proverbs 22:2 “Rich and poor have this in common:
The Lord is the Maker of them all.”

We just got back from three weeks in South America. We visited Colombia, Ecuador,10610634_10152937165238825_7712724861933765366_n Argentina and Brazil. This trip was largely a vacation …

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Projeto Japão chega na América do Sul! Dezembro 2014‏

Provérbios 22: 2 “O rico e o pobre têm algo precioso em comum: o SENHOR é o Criador tanto de um quanto do outro.”

Acabamos de voltar da América do Sul. Foram 3 semanas. Nós visitamos a Colômbia,10610634_10152937165238825_7712724861933765366_n Equador, Argentina …

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Project Japan Goes to South America

photo-9On November 8th, Fabio, Sophia and I packed our bags as lightly as possible with a borrowed Ergo baby carrier in hand to embark on a 3 week journey through Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil.  It was the trip of …

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