Book Review: Finding God in Unexpected Places by Philip Yancey.  

finding GodAn excerpt from p. 208 in the paperback version:

“…I came up with a new definition of faith: paranoia in reverse. A truly paranoid person organizes his or her life around a common perspective of fear.  Whatever happens feeds that …

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THANK YOU to all our prayer and financial partners!

A big and heartfelt THANK YOU to all our prayer and financial partners including the following!

Arvada Covenant Church, Arvada, CO

Avenue Community Church, Toronto, ON

Bayshore Baptist Church, Tampa, FL

Bethany ECC, North Miami, FL

Cape Cod Covenant Church,

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outono_post_1It’s November and though I try to practice the discipline of gratitude throughout the year, this is what I’m particularly thankful for right now:

– The season of autumn! After five years in the eternal summer called “Florida”, the crisp, …

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Sophia’s first day at preschool…

parque1We worked hard to get here. Meetings and conversations in Japanese, enlisting friends who speak English and Japanese, filling out about 15 pages of forms, getting denied at two preschools because they are full, taking her temperature, marking her face …

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Confessions of a Foreigner in Japan

fabio_johnna_enoshima1. I don’t always use an umbrella.  This is basically a cardinal sin here.  If you want to see people really nervous, walk around in the rain without an umbrella.  Even if it’s not raining very hard, very kind people …

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God is not impressed with me

giving_waterFabio and I preached twice last Sunday – once from English to Japanese and the other with me from English to Portuguese and Fabio translating (with others then translating from Portuguese to Japanese).  I was especially moved by one of …

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Another way to talk about the U.S. race debacle

You know better than I do, the shootings and conversations about race in the U.S. have been heart-wrenching and extremely divisive.  I appreciated this interview (link below) with two Chicago pastors (one is black and one is white, but the …

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Construindo Pontes no Japão – Agosto 2015

fabio_johnna_enoshimaEstamos aqui há um pouco mais de um mês. Estamos começando a construir uma base de relacionamentos e fazendo progressos significativos no idioma. Agora é o momento de lembrar, refletir e transmitir a todos os nossos amigos, familiares e parceiros …

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Building Bridges in Japan – August 2015

fabio_johnna_enoshimaWe’ve been here a little over a month. We are beginning to build a foundation of relationships and language. Now is the time to remind ourselves and everyone reading this what we hope to accomplish together in the next 2-3 …

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Estranhos em uma Terra Estrangeira, Julho 2015‏

Estabelecendo-se em Fujisawa, Japão: airport_japan_july_newsletter

Quando chegamos no aeroporto de Tóquio, recebemos as nossas identidades de residentes imediatamente. Elas nos têm ajudado a garantir uma vida como qualquer japonês nativo. De modo que procuramos e encontramos um pequeno apartamento, iniciamos as

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