Yancey and the Prodigal Son

Two things for today:

1) Just finished Rumors of Another World: What on Earth Are We Missing? by Philip Yancey. (Don’t ask me how long it took me!) I’m grateful for Yancey because whenever I read him, I learn so …

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Brasileiros no Japão

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O mundo segundo os brasileiros é um programa do canal Bandeirantes. No mês passando, eu descobri um documentário que eles tinham feito dos brasileiros no Japão. O documentário trata de por você dentro da cultura japonesa …

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Falar sobre missões é falar sobre devoção, paixão, renúncia, entrega e sonhos que nascem no harvestcoração de Deus.

Missões tem a ver com ir e vir, mas também tem a ver com ficar e permanecer. Missões tem a ver com …

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Thirteen years later and a few illustrious visitors in Florida

armandao.jpegIt was in 2000 that I met Armando and Dinha in Toronto, Canada.

Four years later, I moved to Canada and stayed in their home in Mississauga for almost 6 months. At that time I met their son Marcio and …

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I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure”. Eric Liddell

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Do you know there is no one like you on this planet?

Do you know no one has ever been like you in this existence?

You may think and tell me “Fabio, now you are exaggerating. …

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Celebrating our 2nd anniversary

johnnaandfabio_chicago  Last week Johnna called me. I was at work.

–  Fabio, I have bad news- she said.

–  Oh no, what happened?- I exclaimed, but at the same time I got ready to receive her bad news.

–  Well, our …

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Celebrando 2 anos de casados. (versão original em inglês)

johnnaandfabio_chicagoNa semana passada, Johnna me ligou. Eu estava no trabalho.

– Fábio, eu tenho más notícias- disse ela.

– Ah meu Deus!  O que aconteceu? – eu exclamei, mas ao mesmo tempo já estava pronto para receber as más notícias.…

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Orai pela paz de Jerusalém; prosperarão aqueles que te amam. Salmos 122:6 (texto original em inglês)

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A Rede Globo, ou simplesmente Globo, é uma rede de televisão brasileira. Há dois ou três meses atrás eu assisti uma entrevista muito interessante em um dos seus programas – O Milênio.

Mosab Hassan Yousef é …

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Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. Mother Teresa

We live in a very selfish society. Everything is about “me, me, me!”.
“Me” is first. “Me” is the priority. “Me” comes before anything!

“Me” is sometimes even before my wife, my communication with my daughter, my son, my friendship …

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Portuguese speaker in Largo!

God’s been showing up like crazy lately (or maybe we’re just more open to it!).  Saturday, after Fabio and I were hanging out with some friends at a church, there was a woman standing outside the church asking to speak …

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