
World Refugee Day

1 Comment » Written on June 20th, 2013     
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What is a refugee?

Around the world, people have been displaced, forced from their homes, or simply—fearing the worst—have fled their neighborhoods and villages ahead of waves of violence. Some people have lost the right to claim a nationality as …

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CWR Soup Can Story: Prompted to Give

Post a Comment » Written on June 10th, 2013     
Filed under: General

In response to this Covenant Newswire story about CWR no longer being able to use our familiar Campbell’s soup-style label, we have received a number of touching stories about how the soup cans have touched the lives of individuals, families,

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CWR Soup Can Story: Teaching Children to Give

Post a Comment » Written on June 5th, 2013     
Filed under: General

In response to this Covenant Newswire story about CWR no longer being able to use our familiar Campbell’s soup-style label, we have received a number of touching stories about how the soup cans have touched the lives of individuals, families,

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Soup Can Story: From a Soup Can to a Coffee Can

Post a Comment » Written on May 24th, 2013     
Filed under: General

In response to this Covenant Newswire story about CWR no longer being able to use our familiar Campbell’s soup-style label, we have received a number of touching stories about how the soup cans have touched the lives of individuals, families,

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Mothers Around the World

Post a Comment » Written on May 11th, 2013     
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This Mother’s Day, we give thanks to God for strong and beautiful women around the world.

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