
Best Stories from 2012

Post a Comment » Written on January 2nd, 2013     
Filed under: General

10. New Projects

We have new projects in Cameroon, Chile and Kenya and 2 projects that have entered into phase 2 in Albania and Ecuador. Here’s a summary of what’s new with CWR…

9. Recovery in Japan is both Fast

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Best Photos of 2012

(click on the photo to see a larger image and to see where the photo was taken)

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Now Is The Time

Post a Comment » Written on December 29th, 2012     
Filed under: General

Now is the time to make a year-end gift to Covenant World Relief. It is only because of your gifts that CWR is able to participate in God’s transforming mission in the world. In the last year, your gifts …

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Merry Christmas!

Post a Comment » Written on December 24th, 2012     
Filed under: General

On behalf of our partners, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. This year we have participated in 45 long-term community development programs and responded to disasters in 16 countries.

Because of you, families have access to clean water, unemployed …

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Prayers in the midst of tragedy

Post a Comment » Written on December 20th, 2012     
Filed under: General

As I reflect on the tragedy that our country has faced recently in the midst of the elementary school shooting in Newtown, CT, I am reminded of other parents that mourn the loss of their children around the world as …

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