
Post a Comment » Written on September 21st, 2010     
Filed under: General
Today is International Day of Peace. It is one period of twenty four hours set apart by the United Nations as a time of ceasefire and nonviolence. The concept of one day for peace came about in 1981 but wasn’t sanctioned by the UN and set on the 21st of September until 2001.

When I first learned about World Peace Day I felt discouraged. I was frustrated that as an international community we needed an “official” day to be nice to one another. Why can’t every day be one of nonviolence? And why does the UN call for only one day? I thought that there is so much chaos, hurt, destruction, violation, violence, and pain…how could one day make a difference?

Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human rights, said, “My experience of conflict is that those who are involved in it long for even a day of peace. To have a day of cessation of violence, that to me is an idea whose time has come.”

The majority of us dream of a time where there will be no more violence, war or pain. We long for the Kingdom to be restored and this broken world to be healed. However in the mean time, if all we can get is one day, I will take it.

Please pray for those who are living in an area of conflict, or a home filled with violence- for protection, strength, and for a safe environment.

Please pray for the perpetrators of violence that their hearts may be transformed.

Please pray for our International leaders that they make commitments to a global community of non-violence.

Please commit today, or tomorrow, or the rest of this week to living your immediate life in a peaceful manner and to being a vocal and active advocate for acts of peace around the world.

–Katie Burzynski

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