Drought Response in India

Post a Comment » Written on April 12th, 2013     
Filed under: Disaster Relief
India droughtMaharashtra, the second most populous state in India, is in the midst of a terrible drought situation. This drought is by far the most severe drought the state has seen in a very long time; in fact, it is even worse than the devastating drought of 1972. More than 6,000 villages have been affected, which has forced many villages to migrate to cities to find jobs. Many villagers claim that the last time their taps had water was over five years ago. Most of the state’s primary crops have already been destroyed by the conditions, and officials speculate that conditions will only continue to worsen.

Because of the severity of the water shortage, people are forced to be entirely dependent on the water tanks provided by the government. However, because of the huge populations of these villages, the water tanks do not provide even close to enough water to go around. Farmers have no idea how long it will be before they can begin cultivating crops again, and all are worried about the health effects of insufficient food. Migration has become the only option left for the villagers.

India drought 2In partnership with the Hindustani Covenant Church, CWR is responding to the desperation caused by this severe drought. Our response includes provision of drinking water and food for the villagers affected by the drought, as well as medical care for those already suffering the effects of dehydration and malnutrition. We are also providing fodder for livestock. There is also a plan to drill well in the neediest of villages, which will provide a long-term response to the drought.

Please join us in praying for those affected by the drought conditions.

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