Wednesday, Jan 27 Haiti Update

Post a Comment » Written on January 27th, 2010     
Filed under: Disaster Relief
·         All schools remain closed.  More than 90 percent of schools in Port-au-Prince, and 60% of schools in South and West  Provinces, have been affected.  At least 500,000 children do not have classrooms, and estimates are that 3,000 to 4,000 temporary structures are needed to ensure children are able to get back into school.

·         In the two weeks since the 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti, there have been more than 50 aftershocks of magnitude 4.5 or higher.  Experts say this will continue for months or even years.

·         The government of Haiti is saying 3 million people—1/3 of the population of Haiti—were impacted by the disaster.  As many as 1 million are displaced and still in need of temporary housing.  Temporary housing plastic tarps and other materials are flowing into the country.  The big push is to ensure people have access to temporary housing before the rains come later this spring.

·         Unconfirmed reports are putting the death toll at around 150,000.

·         World Relief International continues to access food from the World Food Program.  Thanks to their donation, we are able to leverage every donor dollar for $4 in food aid.  Around 10,000 people each day receive food from WR through a network of local churches.

·         Pastors and churches we have partnered with in the past are uniquely equipped to serve effectively in the earthquake’s aftermath.  One example was a church who had partnered with our Mobilizing Youth for Life program, keeping a careful database of the spontaneous displaced people’s camp that sprung up around it.  They have set up a system to track the 600 families and the services they are receiving.

·         Drilling has begun for the well at King’s Hospital.  Once this is completed the doctors and patients at King’s Hospital will be ensured a steady local stream of potable water.  We are continuing to access potable water and water treatment materials in the meantime.

·         Medicine and medical supplies arrived yesterday from the Bahamas.  These supplies—including antibiotics, IV fluids and a ventilator—will help doctors and nurses at King’s Hospital better treat the patients and complement the anesthesia machines that arrived via helicopter Monday.

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