Rebuilding after the storm

Post a Comment » Written on September 28th, 2012     
Filed under: Disaster Relief
May 10, 2012 was a day that changed the lives of many in the Nam Khe village in Thailand. The area was hit by a powerful and devastating storm, which smashed and ruined the eight homes in this small and isolated village.

As the first few days went by, the families began trying to figure out their lives again, but the storm on May 10 wasn’t the end of their struggles. Another large storm hit about a week later. This devastation was immediately noticed by our partner in Thailand, the Sustainable Development Research Foundation (SDRF), who stepped in to help with a grant from Covenant World Relief. 

Nam Khe is located on top of a mountain, making it difficult to escape the impact of heavy winds and rain. Because of the location, the homes in Nam Khe have always been considered “at risk”, so it was important that the homes were not just repaired. Rather, the root problem needed to be addressed by instead rebuilding and strengthening the homes to prepare them for future storms. The homes are now able to withstand the buffeting of a tropical storm and remain intact.

We recently received before and after photos of a couple of the houses that were rebuilt through this disaster response (click for a larger view):

Mr. Dom's house after the storm (left) and after repairs (right)








Mr. Ladom's house after the storm (left) and after repairs (right)








Please continue praying for our brothers and sisters in Thailand who continue rebuilding their lives after the storm.

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