I believe in God, maker of an unfinished world, who calls us to participate in bringing about the fullness of Creation- God, who created abundant resources to provide for all; God, who has not divided people into rich and poor, owners and slaves, no pitted us against each other because of race, color, social class or sex. I believe in Jesus Christ who was ridiculed, tortured and executed for the sins of humankind. He has overthrown the rule of evil and injustice and continues to judge and redeem the hatred and arrogance of human beings. I believe in the spirit of God whose flame comforts us with divine presence and causes our hearts to burn for righteousness and justice. I believe in the reconciling power of God in my life and in the world. I believe that God, through people, can bring peace and hope, justice and equality, the relief of suffering and pain, and the final triumph of love and grace. Amen.
I dare to believe, always and in spite of everything, in God’s power to transform and transfigure, fulfilling the promise of a new heaven and a new earth where justice and peace will flourish.
I believe that when we truly believe these words, it will change the very fabric of our being. The layers of our souls will look and feel different and those around us with notice something new in the way we live our lives. Now I realize that this might not have anything directly to do with CWR ministries. For instance, I only just now mentioned it, but I do believe that this is what instructs those ministries around the world. My hope is that this is the mindset of all of CWR partners around the world: in individuals, in churches, and nonprofits. I believe in a God with transforming power and “an unfinished world.”
-Hannah Gaskins, intern with CWR