Inspiring Soup Can Story

Post a Comment » Written on May 6th, 2013     
Filed under: General
In response to this Covenant Newswire story about CWR no longer being able to use our familiar Campbell’s soup-style label, we have received a number of touching stories about how the soup cans have touched the lives of individuals, families, and churches.

Below is a wonderful story about the soup cans have been a family tradition for a woman named Helen from First Covenant Church in Jamestown, NY:

For many, many years my dad was the one who counted the [Covenant] World Relief Banks for our church. He had the time to do it since he was retired and was a “detail person” so the tedious task of counting and wrapping hundreds of dollars in coins was something he enjoyed. Each year he would find things other than USA coins in the banks – foreign coins, buttons, bus tokens, tiddlywinks, etc. I can still see him sitting by the dining room table meticulously counting each bank. He was thrilled with the banks and that such small amounts of money, faithfully given, could accomplish so much to help people in need all over the world.

When dad no longer had the strength to carry all those coins to the bank, he would still do the counting and wrapping and I would then take the money to the bank for him. In the past several years, I have counted the banks often for our church. Each time I do, I think about the example my dad set  for me of faithfully serving Christ and his church in this small way. Small acts of faithfulness, whether in giving or in counting what is given, are important. Thanks for the banks and for years of faithful giving and faithful serving that they inspired!

We are grateful that the soup cans make such an impact, both for the individuals and families who use them and for those around the world who benefit from them. If you have a story you would like to share, please send it to us at covenantworldrelief(at) or by mail to Covenant World Relief, 8303 W. Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL 60631. Thank you!

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