In September, Dave visited water, agricultural, and education projects with the Kenya Covenant Church. He also visited Jitokeze, a women’s empowerment through agricultural development program in West Pokot.
Dave and Chrissy were with CWR’s Latin American partners in Medellín, Colombia, this October. Each partner shared his or her expertise with the others. It was a wonderful time of mutual learning and deepening relationships.
In November, Dave visited Covenant pastors and Covenant related partners in New York City who are carrying out relief and recovery work after Superstorm Sandy. The extent of the destruction is disheartening, but it was very encouraging to see the quality of work being done by our partners.
Dave visited the CWR-funded human trafficking, clean water, microfinance, education, vocational training, and agricultural projects of the Hindustani Covenant Church this December. Dave also went to Truthseekers in Delhi and visited the CWR projects providing education for low caste and outcaste children. He also visited the program seeking to end caste discrimination and providing caste reconciliation. While very different in their approach, both of these ministries are addressing root causes of poverty and injustice. It was encouraging to see the breadth, depth, and effectiveness of their work.
In January, Dave visited two projects with the Sustainable Development Research Foundation, one education program among Hill tribe people of northern Thailand, and the other among HIV impacted people in southern Thailand. Dave also visited a recycling business project for youth in the slums of Bangkok, and went to the border of Burma where CWR is partnering in providing medical relief and development among the Karen tribes who are suffering great persecution.
If you would like to learn more about these projects please check them out on the CWR website. You can also contact us for more details. We are deeply grateful for our ECC church and individual partners who give faithfully and generously to these life-transforming programs.