Enjoy these photos from the Covenant Church in Sudan. Continue to keep them in your prayers as they face the referendum vote in the coming weeks.
- Christmas trees labeled at the ECCS Malakal Congregation Altar
- The Shepherds who were informed by angel about the good news were chanting the songs and Praise the Glory of the Lord for what they have witnessed ( NIV Luke 2: 8-20)
- ECCS women group chanting the birth songs in the mid night of the Lord’s Incarnation.
- Mob of ECCS Malakal congregants chanting the song of birth.
- Mob of ECCS Malakal congregants chanting the song of birth.
- ECCS Malakal Choirs chanting songs in the mid night of the Lord’s birth.
- : ECCS Malakal Choirs chanting songs in the mid night of the Lord’s birth.
- Mary visits Elizabeth ( NIV Luke 1: 39-45)
- An angel of the Lord Gabriel appeared to Joseph and informed him about what his wife Mary conceived ( NIV Matthew 1: 18-25).
- Joseph is searching for the place where his wife shall give birth following the fierce decree of Emperor Caesar Augustus ( NIV Luke 2: 1-7).