Enjoy these photos from the Covenant Church in Sudan. Continue to keep them in your prayers as they face the referendum vote in the coming weeks.
Christmas trees labeled at the ECCS Malakal Congregation Altar
The Shepherds who were informed by angel about the good news were chanting the songs and Praise the Glory of the Lord for what they have witnessed ( NIV Luke 2: 8-20)
ECCS women group chanting the birth songs in the mid night of the Lord’s Incarnation.
Mob of ECCS Malakal congregants chanting the song of birth.
Mob of ECCS Malakal congregants chanting the song of birth.
ECCS Malakal Choirs chanting songs in the mid night of the Lord’s birth.
: ECCS Malakal Choirs chanting songs in the mid night of the Lord’s birth.
Mary visits Elizabeth ( NIV Luke 1: 39-45)
An angel of the Lord Gabriel appeared to Joseph and informed him about what his wife Mary conceived ( NIV Matthew 1: 18-25).
Joseph is searching for the place where his wife shall give birth following the fierce decree of Emperor Caesar Augustus ( NIV Luke 2: 1-7).