Looking Back to Move Forward 3

Post a Comment » Written on February 15th, 2013     
Filed under: Resources

This is the third and final installation of Looking Back to Move Forward. We have been posting a series of three articles that were published back in 1976 in The Covenant Quarterly.  Donald W. Dayton who authored this article entitled The Evangelical Roots of Feminism, was at that time an assistant professor of theology and librarian at North Park Theological Seminary.  Here are Dayton’s own words which outline the three sections of his article:

“With these comments in the background I would like to discuss in three steps the interrelationships between evangelicalism and feminism. First. I will indicate some features of the Evangelical Revival of the eighteenth century that contributed to a new role for women in the church and derivatively in society. Second. I will suggest how these themes were transformed into feminism in the pre-Civil War conjunction of revivalism and social reform (especially abolitionism). Finally. I will attempt to confirm this argument by sketching how this feminism was incorporated into the forms of evangelicalism that are close to our own experience.”

To read the article, click on Evangelical Roots of Feminism

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Book review: A Year of Biblical Womanhood

Post a Comment » Written on February 1st, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans.Thomas Nelson Publishers (2012)

Brought up in a church that supported “traditional gender roles” for men and women, Rachel Held Evans takes us on a journey to investigate what ‘biblical womanhood’ really might look like in the 21st Century. Described as “an exercise in scriptural exploration and spiritual contemplation”, Held Evans pursues a different virtue each month (gentleness, obedience, beauty, silence, submission), wrestles with Scripture and shares her stories with a great mixture of humor, compassion and detail. She pays particular attention to Proverbs 31, challenging how some churches have interpreted this passage and questions what it truly means to be a ‘woman of valor’ (a series she continues to investigate on her popular blog). A fun, thought-provoking and insightful read.


Book review by Alice Hague.

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Looking Back to Move Forward 2

Post a Comment » Written on January 3rd, 2013     
Filed under: Book & Commentary, Resources

This is the second in a series of three articles that were published in the Covenant Quarterly back in 1976. Amazingly, this article was written nearly 120 years ago!  It was originally published in German, and authored by Fredrik Franson who was born in Sweden in 1852.  It was later translated into Norwegian and then later still to English by Sigurd F. Westberg.  It is important that you read the introduction by Glenn Anderson in order to get the historical background on the author. Clearly a man before his time with regard to his interpretation of scripture and the importance that women follow their calling to be preachers, teachers and evangelists.

To view the article click on the title Prophesying Daughters by Fredrik Franson.

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How Will Your New Year Unfold?

Post a Comment » Written on January 1st, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

It is now 2013 and many of us are anxious about what the new year will bring. If you have been waiting on a new or first call, the new year can either bring a new sense of hope, or be a reminder of just how long it is taking for your next steps to be revealed. If you are tired and weary from having labored long in your current call, the new year may either bring a freshness that revives you, or be a reminder that you have yet another year of serving and working ahead of you. If you are ending a call, entering into retirement or closing a ministry that has lost its sense of purpose, mission or direction, the new year may bring celebration of a life well lived in service, or a sadness about ministry that became distracted and lost its vitality. Either way, the New Year has come and as it unfolds we may find ourselves experiencing a combination of emotions. Where do you find yourself as this new year begins?

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Book review: Junia is not alone

Post a Comment » Written on December 13th, 2012     
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Junia is not alone by Scot McKnight (2011). eBook. Patheos Press.

This short, simple and enjoyable ebook takes the example of Junia, the apostle mentioned by Paul in Romans 16:7, to speak out on behalf of many women whose voices have been silenced throughout church history. Relaying the history of how Junia was translated out of existence in the early part of the 20th century, McKnight tells Junia’s story in this easy-to-read book, seeking also to emphasize and celebrate the many gifted, passionate women whose stories are told elsewhere in the BIble.

This book is ‘dedicated to ending the church’s deafining silence on women in the Bible… to giving voice to women.’ McKnight issues a challenge to the church to teach the stories of the women in the Bible – not just Mary, but Deborah,  Phoebe, Priscilla, Miriam, Ruth, Esther and Huldah – so that the voices and actions of these sisters can encourage all believers about the role of women in the church.

Junia is not alone is available for Kindle for only $2.99 here and you can also download a copy to read on your PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone by installing the reading app here.

Book review by Alice Hague.

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Looking Back to Move Forward

Post a Comment » Written on December 3rd, 2012     
Filed under: Book & Commentary, Resources

Over the next couple of months we will post a series of articles that were published in the Covenant Quarterly back in 1976. Today’s post, was written by Klyne Snodgrass, who, back then, was assistant professor at North Park Theological Seminary. He is now the Paul W. Brandel Professor of New Testament Studies at North Park Theological Seminary and has been a consistent voice outlining the scriptural case for women in leadership in the church. This article discusses key scriptural references in Paul’s writings to the congregations.  How does this 1976 article resonate with you today?

To download and read the article “Paul and Women,” click here.


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Book review: Discovering Biblical Equality

Post a Comment » Written on November 15th, 2012     
Filed under: Book & Commentary, Testimonies and Stories


Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementarity without Hierarchy by Ronald W. Pierce and Rebecca Merril Groothuis (Eds). (2004). Intervarsity Press.

This book provides an excellent and comprehensive overview of discussions around women in ministry in the church, and explores a whole range of issues – historical, biblical, theological and practical. The editors sought to write a book that positively explained biblical equality and that fostered dialogue with people who might disagree. It also seeks to encourage women and men in their gifting for ministry, marriage and friendships, without hierarchy. It certainly accomplishes all of these aims. It takes each of the bible passages that are used to speak out against equality and thoroughly yet accessibly seeks to help the reader understand them in their intended context. In addition to the in-depth bible studies, the book also offers discussion around wider historical and sociological backgrounds. In addition, the reader is encouraged to discus and debate what this means in practice for our churches today, closing wih an encouragement toward reconciliation between people on opposite sides of the ‘schism’.

This is a refreshing book which engages in dialogue with the reader. It is definitely a book to add to the bookcase as you will keep referring back to it. And it is a book to recommend widely to friends and colleagues, especially those who might simply never have heard the arguments in favor of  biblical gender equality. I highly recommend it.


You can buy this book from IndieBound or AbeBooks.

Book review by Alice Hague

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Tell Us Your Story

Post a Comment » Written on November 8th, 2012     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Did you know every 9 seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten? Do you know anyone impacted by domestic violence this year? Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women – more than car accidents, muggings and rapes combined. One in every four women has experienced domestic violence in her life. Are you one? Would you share your story with us? How have you felt supported or ignored? What would you like the leaders in your local church to know about how to support victims of domestic violence? How would having a woman pastor or women on your leadership staff make a difference? What support are men in your local church leading in awareness and advocacy on domestic violence? How can we make our churches a safe place for these girls and women? Let us hear from you!

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Women in Ministry Articles, May 2009

1 Comment » Written on November 4th, 2012     
Filed under: Resources

This collection of articles (from The Covenant Quarterly, May 2009) is a continuation of the dialogue on women in ministry in the Covenant. The articles represent several views of persons recognized in the ECC for their scholarship and leadership: Jo Ann Deasy, Paul E. Koptak, Hauna Ondrey, Klyne Snodgrass, Amanda Olson, and Mae Cannon. Some of the titles include, A Case for Unrestricted Ministry of Women, Reframing the Issue: Women’s Ordination in the ECC, and Three Decades Later: Credentialed Clergywomen in the Covenant.

Download the articles below

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Ten Year Review of Women in Ministry

Post a Comment » Written on October 25th, 2012     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Dave Kersten on the Commission on Biblical Gender Equality

Dave Kersten, former executive minister of the Department of the Ordered Ministry and current dean of North Park Theological Seminary, spoke briefly on the history and current status of the Commission on Biblical Gender Equality at the March 30, 2012 meeting. To hear more from Dave, check out the full version of this video here.

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