Climb Every Mountain

Post a Comment » Written on January 12th, 2014     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Submitted by:
Jan Bros, church planter, Abbey Way, Albertville, MN, member CBGE

The theme song of my life might be “Climb Every Mountain.”

southeastern-albania-1435079-2-mClimb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
‘Till you find your dream.

Yeah, I know, pretty cheesy. Yet there is a deep truth in this song that resonates for me. Maybe it is the context in which I first heard it sung: an older wise woman singing to a younger one. Maybe it is the truth that the words contain: all lives are called to embody a holy perseverance come what may. I think it is a little bit of both. Continue Reading »

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Our Yes

1 Comment » Written on January 5th, 2014     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Submitted by:
Jan Bros, church planter, Abbey Way, Albertville, MN, Member CBGE

Ministry calls for us to stretch ourselves into unexpected places. When we say “yes” to God’s call, our “yes” must be full and without conditions. Whether we are male or female, pastor or missionary, paid or unpaid, the interior response asked by God is the same. God wants our undivided hearts. God desires our undivided attention. We have faith that as we give ourselves to God, God will empower and strengthen us even in our frailties.

The Evangelical Covenant Church is unique in its understanding that this fundamental vocational call to minister in Christ’s name is available to all. There are no divisions of labor or assignment of giftings according to a set of prescribed gender roles. We are free to follow God’s voice into places of ministry men and women alike. Continue Reading »

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The Good News and the Bad News

Post a Comment » Written on December 22nd, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Submitted by:
Mark Novak, Executive Minister of the Ordered Ministry

I can’t believe that I am on a plane going to Seattle for Christmas. It seems that I was enjoying the summer sun such a short time ago. But here it is and with it the Good News of the birth of Jesus. An event that set in motion the great plan of salvation for all mankind. It is my wife’s favorite holiday:  full of joy, bright lights, lots of candles, great music, and most profoundly, the hope for a better world because The Messiah was born.

The Bad News is that so many miss the meaning of Christmas! It comes and it goes – full of gifts, grinches, and holiday specials. The fact that we are free to imagine a new world and a new future as we embrace the Christ Child goes unappreciated and even ignored, missing the fullness of life God intended for us. Continue Reading »

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“Bearing God”

Post a Comment » Written on December 17th, 2013     
Filed under: sermons - messages

Submitted by:
Debra Auger, Dean of Students
North Park Theological Seminary

A new church year commenced three weeks ago when we lit the first advent candle. Now we are just days away from celebrating the incarnation of God in Christ…the coming of God to humanity, enfleshed as an infant. Here is where power is perfected in ultimate weakness: that of a child completely and totally dependent on mother for care, protection, food and safety. It really is an astounding thing. Perhaps most astounding is that God limited God’s self to a human body in a particular time and culture to demonstrate what true love looks like. Equally astounding is the limitation of God to the womb of a young girl to be formed and nurtured and parented. In this Advent season perhaps we can imagine Mary as an archetype for all those who are called by God to nurture embryonic faith in others. God calls young and old, women and men alike, to “bear God” in a world desperate for love. In this advent season let us remember to celebrate the burgeoning ministry of young women who are faithful to bear the love of God and who have responded, as Mary did, to God’s call to serve.

“O thou who bears the pain of the whole earth, I bore thee.
O thou whose tears give human tears their worth, I laughed with thee.
Thou who, when thy hem is touched, give power, I nourished thee.
Who turns the day to night in this dark hour, Dayspring for me.
O thou who held the world in thy embrace, I dandled thee.
Whose arms encircle all with thy grace, I once held thee.
O thou who laughed and ate and walked the shore, I played with thee.
And I who with all others, thou died for, I now hold thee.”
(Madeleine L’Engle, The Irrational Season, 9).

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Under Construction – a book review

Post a Comment » Written on December 15th, 2013     
Filed under: Book & Commentary

Submitted by:
Jeff Ondrey, CBGE member

under const 2Under Construction: Reframing Men’s Spirituality written by Gareth Brandt is a book about the soul of a man.  It takes a very different view than much of what we have read about what it means to be a man. Different than books like Wild at Heart or Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche, Brandt looks into the scriptures for an example a true spiritual man. Joseph, son of Jacob is his selected model. He uses his own occasional poetry and relevant scriptural passages to illustrate what he has labeled the various metaphors for constructing a men’s spirituality, including: beloved, dreamer, wounded, journey, sexuality, gifts, builder, reflection, reconciliation and legacy. So what does this have to do with Biblical Gender Equality. Plenty. It provides a different model of spirituality and character for men than our culture, even our western Christian culture would dictate.  Continue Reading »

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Reconciliation with: “Gender” ….a link.

Post a Comment » Written on December 5th, 2013     
Filed under: sermons - messages, video links

This woman can preach! To see and hear Brenda Salter McNeil preaching an important message for all of us click here.  It is nearly a one hour video so make sure you are settled in and able to listen well. You won’t be sorry.  Brenda is a Covenant ordained pastor who is delivering this message at Quest Church in Seattle.  The link is posted with permission of Quest Church.  Enjoy!

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The “M” Word – Regrets

Post a Comment » Written on November 27th, 2013     
Filed under: Testimonies and Stories

Submitted by:
Meagan Gillan, Executive Minister, Women’s Ministries
Advisory Member CBGE

It started with a lunch conversation. As I met with Chris (not her real name), an older woman in the church, I thought, “She’s so great. She sure seems to have it together.” I was her pastor’s wife, yet I felt a longing to know her better, to connect regularly—perhaps even to be mentored by her, although the “m” word was never used.

Later, I was surprised to learn that a close friend of mine felt the same way toward Chris. Our children and life stages were similar, and she confessed to me, “If Chris only knew how much we need her wisdom. What a difference time with her could make in our lives.” Neither of us approached Chris about mentoring or getting together regularly; her responsibilities seemed to indicate that it wouldn’t be feasible. Yet, when I think about Chris, I know that periodic, intentional conversations would have been wonderful, and I could have learned so much. Continue Reading »

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And The Winner Is…

Post a Comment » Written on November 26th, 2013     
Filed under: Book & Commentary

Mackenzie M. is the winner selected randomly from those who commented on the book review about “Ties That Bind.” She wins the copy of the book so generously donated by the author, Marie Bostwick. Congratulations Mackenzie! Lisa Olson will be contacting you for an address for mailing the book. Thank you all for your comments and letting us know you are out there.

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UN Ad Campaign

1 Comment » Written on November 22nd, 2013     
Filed under: Resources

un-women-campaign-1We know this is now old news but in case you have not come across it, click here.  If you have the stomach for it, after reading the ad, scroll down to the comments section to follow some of the chatter. You will see from the comments, why the ad does speak to a very real truth in the attitudes many still have towards women.  On a positive note, the ad at least generated discussion.  I am perplexed on how we should respond to people who’s arguments seem so extreme or who’s attitudes are so far from our own? Proverbs 26:4,5 says, “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.”  So that leaves me even more perplexed.  Any thoughts?

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Drawing For Book – Deadline is Saturday

Post a Comment » Written on November 19th, 2013     
Filed under: Book & Commentary

Saturday, November 23 at noon EST will be the random drawing for the winner of the book Ties That Bind from those submitting comments to the book review by Lisa Olsen below. At current count there is a one in 16 chance of being selected as the winner. Post a comment today for a chance to win.

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