My husband and I are raising two amazing girls who I know will change the world. Our oldest is a natural performer who loves life, exudes joy and turns any social situation into a party. Our youngest, a mere 15 months old, is more reserved but determined, thoughtful and independent.
And they make me see my call as a pastor differently.
I was raised a pastor’s daughter and the most common avenue for ministry that I saw available to women was that of a pastor’s wife. Ironically, I married a pastor and now wear dual hats as both a pastor and a pastor’s spouse.
But my girls see the world so incredibly differently than I did as a young girl.
This summer we drove passed our neighborhood Lutheran church, where my friend serves as pastor and where oldest had attended Vacation Bible School. She began to retell the story of how she got scared but Julia’s mommy let her sit in her office and helped her feel better.
Making conversation I pointed out that Julia’s mom is the pastor of that church. To which my daughter responded “Yeah! She’s really nice.”
Then out of curiosity, and because you never really know the mind of a four year old, I asked “Who’s the pastor at our church?”
And as a true four year old she replied with her newfound know-it-all exasperation “you are mom!”
And I couldn’t help but smile. Not because I needed some sort of affirmation from my four year old but because I realized that to her it was a ridiculously stupid question. Her mom is a pastor (and her dad too!) and while that reality is still foreign to some—it isn’t to her.
And it hit me—that for all the advocacy and training I can provide for women in ministry the greatest gift of my call is the gift of normalcy to a younger generation.
I love everything about this. I can only hope that this remains true as your daughters grow up, and that they really are (finally) inheriting a world where the gift of your call is normal. It’s not yet that way for our colleagues in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s–and beyond. Thank you for your leadership and for serving in your calling with skill and grace.
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10.13.17 at 1:35 am