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Tagged With: Ecuador Info

Welcome family!

Noritta_DonnaThis past Tuesday, Kim’s mom Noritta and Aunt Donna arrived to help out with us with Ephraim’s recent arrival.  They will be here with us for a couple of weeks.  Welcome Noritta and Donna!!!

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Please pray for Oyacachi!

Please pray for our sister church/community in Oyacachi who on Friday experienced an incredible landslide and flooding. Currently, the entire community is evacuating and the surrounding area Covenant churches are providing shelter and food. You may remember that we recently

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Visas Approved!

Visas_Approved_DelpPRAISE THE LORD!!!  Our resident visas have been approved!  We now have residential status in Ecuador and we will not have to renew our Visas again unless we are out of the country for an extended period of time.  And …

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Volunteers Needed!

The Santiago Partnership has been blessed by numerous volunteers in our already short existence. On Thursday, two more volunteers, Sarah Gosen and David Gutierrez, helped us pour the floor for the entrance to the home for at risk children.  Contact

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A Wonderful Celebration!

Yesterday, we participated in a Parade and Rally called “How Great and Powerful is our God” of all of the Evangelical Churches of the greater Cayambe area. All of the Covenant churches in the area were represented and it was

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Car Re-Registration Complete!!!

Praise the Lord!  This past week I (Joel) was able to get our car re-“matriculated.”  This is basically the process of re-registering your car every year, which involves some payments to the government as well as checks on the vehicle.  

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A Vision team from Dassel, MN

Joel was able to help with a Vision Team from the Covenant Church in Dassel, Minnesota this past week.  The purpose of a Vision Team is to help them see, meet and get to know various Covenant churches and ministries …

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Off to the Jungle!

We had the opportunity to partner with a dental/medical team in the area of Tena this past Saturday.  The connection we have with them is actually with one of our supporting churches, Hope Covenant Church, of Indianapolis, IN.  A

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Project Complete in Lote Tres!!!

This past Sunday, I (Joel) took a group of representatives up to Lote Tres, a small Quechua community up in the mountains around Cayambe, in our van.  The group included David Husby, the Director of Covenant World Relief, Pia and

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