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Tagged With: Updates

Agua Potable Update

Thank you so much for your prayers yesterday for the meeting over the Fresh Water project.  Things went well, though maybe not in the way that we had wanted.  Let me explain what happened.

First of all, two members of …

Categories: Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Evergreen Covenant Vision Team

We just finished hosting the Vision Team from Evergreen Covenant Church in Sanford, ME.  We had a great time with them.  In the end we visited 7 different possible locations that they could partner with for future ministry.  Six of …

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Vision Team from Maine

Starting today, August 22nd, we’ll be hosting a Vision Team from Evergreen Covenant Church from Sanford, ME including the pastor and three members of the congregation.  What is a Vision Team you ask?  Well, a vision team is a group …

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Update on Ruth and Earl

We were just talking about it and realized that we hadn’t given you all an update on Ruth and Earl (Joel’s parents) and their medical situations as of late.  As you probably know, Earl had a successful hip replacement back …

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Meeting in Santo Domingo

The family and I (Joel) just got back from a successful trip to Santo Domingo and the Covenant Church campgrounds there.  I had a meeting on Saturday which lasted around 5 hours and things seemingly went very well.  We were …

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Off to Santo Domingo

Well, we are off to Santo Domingo again tomorrow, Thursday, August 17th and will be there through Sunday, August 21st.  We’ll, as always, have limited internet access and communication in general.  Your prayers for safe travel are always appreciated.


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Tragedy Hits Ecuador Mission Field

On Thursday, August 4th, a tragedy struck the Ecuadorian Mission Field. A young man, by the name of Joshua Kim, of 21 years of age who was here visiting the Amazon region of Ecuador with his Presbyterian church from Orlando, …

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Renewal of Vows Service

Yesterday, I (Joel) had the opportunity to lead a Renewal of Vows service at our friends’ (Olguita and Henry) church in south Quito.  They have been hold the Marriage Course (similar to the Alpha Course) at their church and whenever …

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Off to Santo Domingo

Just a quick note to let you all know that we, the whole family, will be heading to Santo Domingo tomorrow, July 20th, and will be gone through Friday, July 29th.  We will have limited email access and won’t be …

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!Aprobada! means Approved! in English. We have good news to report. Joel went to another Camp Committee meeting in Santo Domingo this last Friday and he received good news. One of the plans in the report that he had presented …

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