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Tagged With: Updates

Update on Agua Potable Project

I haven’t provided an update on the Agua Potable (“Clean Water”) project in Santo Domingo in quite a while because, well basically, there hasn’t been any updates.  We have been waiting for quite some time to figure out if the …

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The Annual Meeting 2012

We just got back from Santo Domingo and a very successful Annual Meeting for the Covenant Church of Ecuador.  Some very good decisions were made, some issues were laid to rest and some very fine new officers were elected to …

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Teaching in Guagua Sumaco

Last Friday, the 17th, we left for Baeza, stayed overnight there, and then traveled 2 hours or so to Guagua Sumaco.  It is a small jungle village, where they have quite a large school-definitely larger than what I expected.  Our …

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2nd Week

Today Joel is preaching the second sermon in a two week sermon series at El Salvador church in Quito.  Your prayers are very much appreciated!

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Off to Santo Domingo and Tena

We leave tomorrow morning, February 1st, for Santo Domingo and we’ll be there for a Camp Committee meeting on Friday.  Immediately after the meeting we’ll be making a long trip for Beaza (in the eastern, jungle part of the country …

Categories: Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Sumaco, Tena, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Upcoming Very Busy Schedule

Here’s our upcoming travel/ministry schedule:

Sunday, January 29th — Joel preaching at El Salvador, Quito

Wednesday,  February 1st — Travel to the Camp in Santo Domingo

Friday, February 3rd — Camp Committee Meeting & then travel Baeza (7 hours in …

Categories: Ministry, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Tena, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Covenant Home Altar

Just wanted to let all of you Covenanters know that Kim is the author of the Devotionals for this week’s Covenant Home Altar.  Just in case you had it and hadn’t looked at the devotions for this week.  I think …

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Banos, Shell & Puyo

Happy New Year everyone!

We decided that since we didn’t go to visit family in the States and no one was coming here over the Holidays  that we would take a mini family vacation right after the New Year before …

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Personal Prayer Request

We just wanted to offer up a non-ministry related prayer request of a personal nature.  We still have a small home in Marion, IN which we own and have been hoping to rent out while here in Ecuador.  It has …

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Orlando Team

Here’s some pictures from our time with the very quick Orlando Team right before Christmas:

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